Brown benefits from the exceptional staff who are integral to fulfillment of our mission of teaching, research, and service, and Brown is committed to remaining an employer of choice. Investments in high-performing and well-trained staff will be particularly important to the successful implementation of our plan. The skills required by Brown staff are constantly evolving. Increasingly, jobs at Brown require a range of technical, communications, problem-solving, and project management skills. In addition, as Brown continues to diversify, the staff (like all members of the Brown community) must be culturally aware and adept. In the coming years, we will maintain investments in professional development and training. We must also offer competitive compensation, and provide career paths for staff members to progress to positions of greater responsibility. Throughout we will seek to leverage our investments in technology to enable staff to be as efficient and effective as possible.
Collaborations And Partnerships
Carefully chosen collaborations and partnerships are more important than ever to universities. Successful partnerships with outstanding organizations can enhance Brown’s reputation and extend its reach. Brown already has an extensive network of institutional partners. We collaborate with the Marine Biological Laboratory, Trinity Repertory Company, Rhode Island School of Design, and other local universities on student programs and research. Brown’s hospital partners – Lifespan and Care New England, as well as the V.A. Medical Center – are integral to the success of our medical school and biomedical research. In the last five years, Brown has also developed a range of partnerships with international universities. In the coming decade, we will devote increased attention to the cultivation and stewardship of partnerships as well as the careful assessment of the quality of prospective partners.
Brown University also values its relationship with neighbors and partners in Providence and Rhode Island and is committed to cultivating strong and positive connections for the benefit of the University, the city, and the state. As we implement the priorities of this plan, we will continue to identify partnerships and opportunities of importance to the University that advance the economic, educational, social, and cultural contributions to our city and state. In addition, as we approach the 250th anniversary of Brown’s founding, we will use the occasion to reinforce the historic roots shared by the University, city, and state and to forge ties that will endure beyond the celebration.
Alumni, Parents And Friends Of Brown
Increasing the engagement of alumni, parents, and friends of Brown is essential to our success. Not only does the University rely on the philanthropic support of members of these groups, it also benefits from those who volunteer their time as alumni interviewers, advisory council members, fundraisers, and ambassadors. In the coming years, we will develop an expanded array of volunteer opportunities, including a strengthened undergraduate internship and career advising network and new advisory councils that will provide expert advice as the academic themes and educational innovations are developed. We plan to take advantage of enhanced modes of communicating with alumni, parents, and friends about the life of the campus. This will involve expanding our efforts in social media, making online course content created at Brown available to alumni, parents, and friends, and developing outreach programs that bring community members to campus and bring Brown to communities outside of Providence.